Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance based Products

Proven standard at fixed costs, flexible service when required


As of January 1st 2018, the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653 – the PRIIPs Regulation - requires closed-end Investment Funds offering so called ‘Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance based Products’ (PRIIPs) to retail customers make a Key Information Document (KID). The KID is a legal document designed to inform retail investors on their potential investment and allow them to easily compare various investments opportunities. The KID must contain a summary risk indicator (SRI), performance scenarios as well as an indication of costs to the investor. We expect that this PRIIPs Regulations also comes into effect for UCITS and open-ended AIFs from July 2022 onwards.

Basic Solutions

Our PRIIPs Basic Solution is more than fit for any long position in exchange traded stocks and bonds. Most often used and thorougly tested, RiskQuest can offer the PRIIPs Basic Solution in a cost efficient way.

Real Estate Solutions

Whereas the calculation rules for regular funds are clear, those for Category 4 funds (like Real Estate funds) are certainly not. RiskQuest has developed a model, based on regulatory and industry standards, dedicated to perform PRIIPs calculations for Real Estate funds.

Private Equity

The calculation rules for funds that contain more exotic positions like Private Equity funds are certainly not trivial. Armed with abundant experience in financial modelling, RiskQuest gladly aids private equity funds on their road to compliance!

Tailored Solutions

There is a huge variety of exotic funds, that all have their own special characteristics. Does your fund not fit any of the previous solutions? RiskQuest provides tailor made solutions for any type of fund ensuring compliance, even for the most exotic funds!

Further Insights

Creating return forecasts is no simple matter. Ever since the PRIIPs-regulation came into effect the prescribed simulation technique has been challenged. This white paper provides an overview of the problem and possible solutions.

Hans Heintz
